SASS Shutters and Sunshades offer a selection of children’s roller shade fabrics and are a perfect way to make your children’s rooms more exciting and age-appropriate.
Keep in mind that we can also change the Roller Blind fabric for you in the future, as your children grow older and opt for a more mature room decor. We can utilize the existing Children’s Roller shade components, simply changing the fabric, saving you money in the future, and preventing you from having to buy an entire new set of shades.Children’s Roller Blinds are a great addition to any nursery or kids’ room.

SASS is always at the forefront of child safety. We offer many child-safe options, to protect your children from harm and help you sleep better at night.
Over 290 children have died from strangulation by cords and chain loops from window coverings in North America in the past 10 years.
Ask us about your options for a child-safe home.
For more details visit
Consumer Federation of America
Warning Strangulation Hazard